The College provides an opportunity for students and employees to engage in creative activities, participate in cultural life.
Students and teachers of the College take part in various cultural and sports events. In addition, students actively participate in various intra-College circles: “Young technician”, “Young road Builder”, “Young diagnostician”, “Young mechanic”, “Young signalman”, “Young electrician”, “Young dispatcher”, “Young physicist”, “Young chemist”, “Young mathematician”, “English club”, “World of poetry”, “Cultural heritage”, “Skillful hands” and “Kazyna” circle in the areas of adaptation and instilling reading in order to improve the functional literacy of College students. Participate in sports sections volleyball, basketball, play togyz kumalak, chess, checkers.
In addition, College students regularly participate in various intra-College, regional, national educational events, competitions, scientific conferences, sports competitions. In particular, in the annual national championship “WorldSkills Kazakhstan” College students take an active part and take prizes in the competencies “Repair and maintenance of cars”, “Engineering graphics CAR CAD” (system of automatic projects) and “body Repair”. For example,
From may 2-5, 2017 in Kostanay was held the Republican national championship “WorldSkills Kazakhstan” on the competence “Repair and maintenance of cars”, in which College student Tleukhan Dinmukhamed Doszhanovich took the SECOND place and received a silver medal.
College student Zholdasbay Bakbergen Omirzakuly, who took the First place in the regional competition for competencies “CAD Engineering graphics” (system of automatic projects), participated in the Republican competition and received a special certificate.
From April 27-28, 2018 at the regional championship “WorldSkills Kazahstan-2018” on the basis of Road transport College, which was attended by students of various technical and professional educational institutions of OKO, Kyzylorda, Zhambyl regions in the competencies “Repair and maintenance of cars”, ” CAD engineering graphics (automatic project system)”, “body Repair” College students E. Bektan, Zh. Umirzakhov, B. Zholdasbay took the first place and were awarded special diplomas.
– College student A. Rakhimbay took part in the student scientific-practical conference “Youth and science” organized by the methodical Cabinet of South Kazakhstan region and took the III place.
— In the regional competition youth prize of the oblast akim “Best youth award”, organized by the regional Department of youth policy Affairs, a College student N. Cantore was awarded a special diploma of the Governor and a certificate of “100 000 tenge”.
– In the competition “Salem hat”, organized by the Department for family, children and youth of South Kazakhstan region, in order to promote and popularize literature, the world of poetry among young people, a College student U. Shukirbay took part and was awarded an Honorary diploma.
— In the competition of innovative projects organized by the social partner of the College LLP “Shymkent innovation” College student Zh. Abetaeva took the First place, was awarded a diploma of the I degree and received a laptop as a gift.
— At the regional scientific and practical conference of student youth “New innovations in the modern era”, dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, College students A. Kulsharipova took the First place, Respectively. Aibek took the SECOND place, were awarded with special diplomas.
— Within the framework of the program of the Head of state “a reference Point to the future: modernization of public consciousness” in Boxing in 2000-2001 at the championship of South Kazakhstan region among young men in the weight category up to 46 kilograms, College student, candidate for master of sports R. talip took the first place.
In the College, in addition to scientific and creative activities, in order to improve the quality of students ‘ knowledge, improve the effectiveness of training, students actively participate in inter-subject Olympiads. In particular, in chemistry, physics, mathematics, Russian, English, computer science, College students take prizes.
Also, College students take an active part in various Intercollegiate activities. For example:
– scientific and practical conference ” Science-the Treasury of the eternal country»;
– competitions “The best by profession”, “The best young railwayman”, “the Best motorist”, organized on the basis of specialties, students in College in order to develop professional competencies and increase the prestige of highly qualified specialists, increase the prestige of working specialties and development of skills;
– within the framework of the direction “Trinity of languages” for educational purposes, thematic events are held: on Thursdays – “Kazakh language”, on Wednesdays- “Russian language”, on Fridays – “English language”
Participation in conferences, competitions and seminars of the Republican and regional levels, achieved high results and achievements are the main evidence of quality education of College students.